Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I guess its been awhile since I've done this. Not that I meant to wait this long, nor did I imagine it had been this long. I guess it just goes to show you how fast this year has gone by or how busy I have been. So in the following posts I'll just try to highlight the high/low points of the last few months. I'll even try to put them in somewhat of an order. (just in case anyone actually reads this thing besides my wife.)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What a Wild Flower Expedition

So my last expedition I got to go on with Jon Williams was a wildflower expedition.  I'm not sure why my photo trips always coincide with bad weather, that my luck.  It was a cold and rainy day in June and when I say cold I'm talking in the 50's with bitter cold rain.  I realize that living in Utah, 50 degrees is not cold, but for crying out loud it's the middle of June, not the beginning of April.  We drove up to Snowbasin for our first pictures and then to Middle Fork.  We had a nice lunch at Eats of Eden.  We then went to Wolf Creek and finally ended up at the Ogden Nature trail on Mountain Road.  As wet and cold as it was I believe I am learning more and more.  I have a long ways to go, but I actually look forward to taking pictures now.  I notice I am more picky about how I take pictures, and I pay more attention to the surroundings before I rip off a bunch of shots.  Here are some of my favorites:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another Remodel Project

Since I work for the school district, my benefits use the school year to renew.  My Vacation/Sick/Personal time all renew on July 1st.  For some reason I thought February would be a great time to use one of my use or lose weeks of vacation.  I also decided to use it to start a bathroom renovation.  Our shower is an original from the construction (1974).  Need I say more, the 70's is known for it's beauty.  Needless to say it was a project.  Ripping out a small shower in a confined space is always a treat.  I ripped the old shower out to the studs.  Cut out the old pipes so I could  re-pipe a new mixer.  At the same time I plumbed a shower head into the other bathroom that shares a common wall.  I wire a new plug and a light into the shower so that its not a cave (like I said 70's house,  for some reason they didn't believe in lights.)  Then I poured a new shower pan, tiles and grouted.  What a huge project.  I really underestimated the time it took to do this project, by alot.  Thanks to all those who helped.  Joe who is always there to help, Brian Bowden my glass man, and Staci for putting up with no extra bathroom.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Winter Landscape Expedition

Following my classes on natural light, Staci signed me up for a expedition.  Although "landscape" is referenced it would be better named Ogden Valley Barn tour.  Don't get me wrong.  I loved it.  I just didn't see a whole lot of landscape to photograph.  We ended up going to about four different farms and learned why Jon Williams loves barn light.  I agree there is something magical about it.  We also got to eat and Eats of Eden, chase a couple of cats around, meet some real "salt of the earth people", enjoy some good company, and take some photographs. 

I know that they will never end up in a magazine, the important part is it was my real first chance to just go out and practice.  Hopefully I'll get better.  Eventually I'll learn how to photoshop.  I learned that it's always easier to take a good picture and not have to photoshop it, but I believe every  photo goes through some sort of edit.

Monday, January 25, 2010

All My Hobbies Cost Money

I recently decided that if I am going to have a nice digital camera, wouldn't it be nice to really know how to use it. I began last fall taking a basic photography seminar. I followed that up by one on using natural light. After thousands of pictures I believe that I am finally beginning to understand how to take a good picture. taking that good picture is another story. Now in my bad pictures, I know what I did wrong. I have been able to get some nice shots. At least in my eyes. They will probably never make it in a magazine or anything like that, but that's OK. I take these pictures for me. It just so happens that either by skill or most likely luck I have taken some shots I really like. The biggest problem I have with getting better photography is that I am no longer content with my $700 camera. Anyone want to give me $1500? I'll take your pictures for free. No guarantee. Any way here's some pictures from the natural light seminar.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Let there be sweets

Rise above! Really? Is this what its come to? I thought I had to worry about increased poverty, war, and destruction. Some say Obama is what I need to watch for. Well, apparently it's food incentives that are the chief cause of all the problems the U.S. has been having. Hershey's, M&MS, Coca Cola, & C&H sugar have all planned this huge conspiracy. It starts when you are young. These sugar pushers recruit their Gestapo agents (girl scouts, youth church organizations, and PTA mothers) to trap us in there evil plans. They show up on your doorstop with stories of summer camp and needing new equipment. Then after taking donations they leave you with something sweet. It's a vicious cycle of gluttony and disrespect for healthy foods such as pickled beets and sauerkraut. Whens the last time someone has come to me door step selling cabbage or onions....never!

Now I read that this plague of sugar has over taken the most innocent of institutions. The elementary school is pushing kids to eat this stuff. How dare the evil society of PTA try to give my child incentive to be better and improve their lives through cultural event or reading (the last thing I want my kids to do is read, especially for enjoyment). Maybe I should believe that my children would respond just as well to a printed piece of paper, or a colorful ribbon that gets shoved under the bed. Better yet, Let buy some of those environmentally unsafe, cheap, plastic toys from China. They are safe, right? No matter that those toys never do what they are suppose to do, or they break the first time you use it. Lets send more dollars to China whoo-hoo!

Rise above! This is our battle cry to cast of the shackles of sugar. Those tyrants of sweetness has held us captive for too long. I must say that the concerns some have for the expanding waistline of the world are legitimate, but that control of these sugar treats as incentive for good work is pure bull #@$% and needs to be shoveled out just like any other form of bull. As an insider to what happens at school on a daily basis, I can tell you that it is not the occasional treat/incentive that is making people fat. Stand over the garbage cans at school lunch and see how much good food is thrown away. Do I believe that school lunch deserts make you fat. No. When kids come through the breakfast line and get two waffles and purchase 3 extra pop-tarts to hide in there backpacks and eat throughout the day, then I wonder. When I see kids at recess pulling snack out of there backpack from home, then I question where is the sugar coming from? How many kids come home from school and head straight to the fridge or cupboard? My kids are not big sugar snack eaters; We still have Halloween candy and I'm not talking about the Smarties and broken Dum-Dums. There is some high quality candy there. It even sits on the second shelf of the pantry where anyone can get it. My point is when and incentive in school helps my child learn or achieve I will support that. Obesity's has a far greater link to an overall lifestyle than treats at school. Lifestyles are learned through out life and may changes depending of new events, new information and new ideas. I have enough confidence in my parenting to believe I'm am teaching my children correct principles in life. The last thing I want is some know-it-all blowhard, who believes her opinions are center of the known universe, to enact policy that not everybody wants to follow or believe in. If you don't want treats for your kids. Drop of some toxic boomerangs or yo-yos from China so that the teacher/PTA can hand them specifically to your kid, and don't ruin a good thing. I applaud the efforts of those willing to volunteers time at my child's school. I sure there first thought when helping out is not "What can I do to fatten these kids up today?". I think it is helpful to think of healthy snacks that are nutritious as well as Delicious, but sometimes you just need a piece of chocolate! Don't fall for the battle cry of a delusional women who has too much time on her hands. Use your common sense before enacting a stupid policy. Now I'm thirsty where's my Coke - I'll take it over the rocks!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hot-N-Ready Heidi

Heidi Chamberlain died on Friday the 20th. Heidi was my co-worker for 10 months. She was the run-off queen. We shared an office and each others friendship. Heidi was hospitalized back in the 1st week of October when her aorta burst. She beat the odds and survived, but the damage from the lack of blood flowing to her brain ultimately led to 7 weeks in a coma, and massive rehabilitation to have any bit of a normal life. Even after making significant progress like learning how to breathe on her own and walk again, she didn't want to live like that. Everyone who knew Heidi deep down knew she would have rather of died that have been a burden on her family. After telling Greg she didn't see herself getting any better she let her spirit slip away.

We had visited Heidi back in the end of January and it just broke my heart to see her like that. She didn't look like Heidi. You could tell that her tinkle and spunk was missing. It was extremely emotional as she cried the whole 45 minutes we were there. When I went to leave she grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go. I knew more than anything that she didn't want to be there. If she could of held on, I'm sure she would have had me drag her all the way back to North Ogden. Greg showed more dedication and love that most people will ever realize. He was at her side every free moment he had. I had only met Greg twice but, I'm amazed that he recognized me and talked to me like an old friend. Even more so at the viewing I watched numerous people offer there sympathies and he reacted with kindness, but be actually put his am around me and thanked me for everything I did. I feel unworthy of such a compliment where as I really didn't do anything special.

Heidi and me really gained a tight friendship quickly. Moving to Bates from Marlon was such a great opportunity and Blessing in my life. As much as I learned at Marlon I didn't enjoy it there. I could talk with some of the teacher and was actually friendly with some of them, but I was never able to forge a great friendship with anyone. They were a very closed school to new people, new ideas, as well as helping other. I was instantly accepted at Bates and feel an integral part of the dynamics of this school. Heidi was key in making my welcome here special. We were more like brother and sister than co-workers. We were able to give each other a hard time, help each other out, and listen to each other problems all in the same conversation.

What amazes me the most is what I didn't know about The influence i had on her. Staci and me had the chance to talk with her daughter Michelle at the viewing and I'm humbled by a few of her compliments. She said how much Heidi loved me and how many times she told them how good I was, and how good some of the advice I gave her was. Even if it was just getting wallpaper off a wall. I can't believe Michelle thought about the Hot-N-Ready pizza was a big enough part of her life to bring it up in the funeral. It was just me teasing her by tripping at Little Caesar's pizza and hurting her shoulder. I came up with the slogan Denise made the signs and we hung a few up. To think that was funny enough to make her share it with her family then be used in a funeral. I guess you can never take for granted the time you have with someone and the impact you might have on their lives. I'm not a very compassionate or sympathetic person. I joke with most people and I like to have a good time. I never would have imagined that the impact I had on others could be so influential in their lives outside of work. Heidi will be missed by many people. I miss her friendship. She truly was a great person, all 5 feet of her. I hope that her family will be able to move on and know that this is what she would have wanted. Goodbye for now, I'll see you on the other side.